The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) had notified the detailed framework on Social Stock Exchange (SSE) vide its circular SEBI/HO/CFD/PoD-1/P/CIR/2022/120 dated September 19, 2022 (“SSE Framework”). As on date 32 organizations have registered on the BSE SSE and 44 organizations have registered on the NSE SSE.
Pursuant to the feedback received through public consultation, SEBI has approved certain amendments to the SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018 (“ICDR Regulations”) and the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“LODR Regulations”) vide notification dated December 21, 2023. Further, SEBI has approved certain modifications/additions to the SSE Framework vide its circular SEBI/HO/CFD/PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/196 dated December 28, 2023.
A. Amendments to the SSE Framework
The following are the amendments to the Minimum requirement to be met by a not-for-profit organization (NPO) for registration with SSE:
[*Previously, NPOs that had ongoing tax scrutiny or notice proceedings were precluded from registration.
** Disclosure of key metrics of social impact has been a new introduction of the 2023 amendment, indicating the imperative for NPOs to measure their impact.]
The following are the amendments for the Minimum Initial Disclosure requirement for NPOs raising funds through the issuance of Zero Coupon Zero Principal Instruments:
The draft fund-raising document and final fund-raising document should contain all material disclosures which are true and adequate to enable the applicants to take an informed decision. The draft fund-raising document and the final fund-raising document should contain disclosures as may be specified by SEBI from time to time, provided that the SSE may mandate additional disclosures in respect of the draft fund-raising document and the final fund-raising documents.
Other conditions relating to issuance of Zero Coupon Zero Principal Instruments:
a) manner of raising balance capital in case of such under subscription between 75% and 100%;
b) possible impact on achieving the social objective(s) in case such under subscription is not arranged. Provided that the funds shall be refunded in case the subscription is less than 75% of the issue size
7. The SSE shall maintain the details of the allotment pursuant to issuance of Zero Coupon Zero Principal Instruments by the NPO.
8. The SSE shall specify the additional norms in respect of issue procedure including on agreements with depositories, banks, etc., ASBA related matters, duration for public issuance, allocation methodology and any other ancillary matter related to issue procedure.
[* Prior to the amendment, the minimum issue size was Rupees One Crore and minimum application size was Rupees Two Lakhs.]
B. Amendments to the LODR
Further, the word “Social Auditor” is now substituted with the words “Social Impact Assessor” and the expression “Social Audit Firm” is substituted with the words “assessed by a Social Impact Assessment Firm”).
This indicates the shift of approach from an inspection/audit model based on a lack of trust towards an impact informed and trust building direction.
C. Amendments to the ICDR
Regulation 292A
Regulation 292C